Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Science has found a God in M-Theory

I have a basic understanding of M-theory, which is an extension of string theory. The understanding part was actually made a little easier, since I've been a comic book reader for many a year and multiple universes have been a great plot device for comic writers to clean up plot lines.

Don't get me wrong, I think string theory and M theory is a strong theory with a lot of reason behind it. But it has it a wall, it is untestable, which for scientists is a hard thing to swallow. The rationale the main supporters put forth is if you believe that the math is right, then the conclusions based on the math are very likely to be just have to believe. And that is their God discovery.

The ironic part is religious leaders state the M-theory is a weak last ditch effort to try and ignore God's order and handiwork in the universe. See SEED article"The multiverse problem" at:

It seems to me it is the opposite, it is the coming together of these two arguments. Science now has a belief system, one which has caused great debate within the scientific community. Not just that but any debate on science versus religion now has a grand new twist. When religion attacks M-theory, science can now say, "how you(religion) feel towards M-theory, is how science feels about God." We don't know that they are mutually exclusive, in fact it may be an enlarged view of God, he might have just got a little bigger.

Who knows, I am neither an expert on M-theory or the many religions of he world. This is written a few months after reading Neil Gaiman's American Gods, which made me think we all have little Gods, strengthened by our belief.

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