Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rob's 2010 a year in review (just the main points)

Well it has been awhile since I blogged. After the past year I think I am going to go in a slightly different direction for the blog for 2011. Now for my abbreviated 2010 year in review:

  • Kids: doing well and now in a better school district and in an area where they can participate with more activities. 
  • Wife: at a better institution of higher education and on a path for degree completion. She sacrificed and took a crappy job to pay some bills during the family transition. 
  • Mom: had open heart surgery on a odd and rare benign tumor on her heart. Doing much better and is heading back to work soon.
  • Brother: upgraded to a new job at a better institution and has the freedom to make the moves he thinks need to be made in the career development field.
  • My one uncle is back in the house that my brother and I helped him gut one summer as kids. Now he has a blank slate to start a new adventure. 
  • Job: I left my position of the previous five year.  I am proud of the progress the program made during my leadership, but it was time to move on.  I changed gears to a slightly different field. I am much happier and work with great faculty and students. Upgrade in schedule and pay is nice as well.
  • Education: finished my Master's degree in Educational Leadership at West Virginia University.
  • Home: Out of college housing, as related to my position in residence life.  While we spent some time in temporary location for 6 months, we are now in a spacious 3BR house with a yard and great landlords. We are near parks and the kids schools. Huge upgrade, except for having to move twice, once in the July heat and finally in the cold snowy December. Bonus: we can get food from restaurants delivered to our house. For the past 5 years we could only get Domino's. 
  • Pets: While I love animals, we had too many. Gina found good homes for two dogs who are really enjoying their new families.  The foster care for a cat ended in July and she is doing well with her owner. We were watching her while her owner finished college and couldn't have a pet in her room. Gizmo the tailless cat and Fez the corn snake are enjoying the new home and getting more attention from the kids.
  • Car: My 2000 Nissan Sentra died, it was the first car I ever owned.  I miss it but we are more cost effective and earth friendly with on car.
Special Thanks to my mother-in-law and her husband who hosted us during the transition period from July to December.

Resolution: To do more creative projects in 2011 and maybe even start drawing or painting again.

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