Friday, June 5, 2009

I am not a biorobot

This evening I watched Juan Enriquez's talk on mindboggling science on (

It was very informative and entertaining to hear some thoughts from a real futurist, like a real life Tony Stark(Iron Man). Enriquez covers the long term effects of the current economic crisis and the three science areas that will be the major impact in the next generation. The heart thing is awesome. I won't ruin the ending because you don't see it coming. And I agree and hope he is correct.

The talk plus the release of the 4th terminator movie,which I do not intend to see, had me thinking of robots, and the next progressive step after biorobots. After some mental musing, I decided I needed to stated publically, in my first blog, that I am not a biorobot. I am a human, imperfect and enjoying life.