Friday, October 28, 2011

Google+, Chrome and Blogger- the tablets are coming

It has been a while since I last posted.  I have been traveling a lot for work, this is the busy season for college recruitment. During this time away from Blogger I have been exploring Google+.  Must say I enjoy Google+ better than Facebook. Facebook during the same time did a few updates to personal streams and page insights that I don't think have really improved the user experience.  I never played games on facebook and got annoyed when friends played and posted things in their stream, which I prompted blocked. G+ has the games stream split so you only see the notifications when you are in that section. The use of circle also allows you to share only with those friends that play, rather than making it public.  My G+ game blog will be more complete on another day.

While Facebook has been flailing, Google has been rather quickly revamping their products with new looks for Google Docs and calendar that have really stream lined their look and made it easier for me to find items on the screen.  Many of the items with Docs and Calendar have gotten new feature, which makes migrating to the cloud easier.  You no longer feel that you are loosing features my moving to online apps.  I did a quick trial on the new presentations formats and I now feel comfortable using them instead of having to use another app for holding my recruiting slide decks (table slide shows and classroom presentations)

Just today I finally got around to looking over the revamp of blogger. I think it is wonderful.  I love the Dynamic view template both as a reader and blogger. I might start blogging more often.  I saw some professional bloggers on G+ say that G+ might be a better platform for them do to the innate social feature. WHy have two platforms when you can do it on one. Time will tell how that goes.

Then just tonight, the Chrome update created game store and music store icons for the new tab page.  I am excited to see where this may go.

Finally, Chrome recently change the format of the new tab page, and it looks a lot like a tablet set up.  The sleek, minimalist design of docs, calendar, and blogger only add to the thoughts that Google is predicting that the tablet is the future. I don't have a tablet yet but I am glad that the two formats are starting to merge into one experience.  I hope they keep the Chromebook around for education, I think the price point and easy replacement will help get more kids connected to the web tools.

My Apple vs Android/Chrome blog will be down the lone on where I think this will all be in 5 years.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Google+ and my CR-48

So I have been on Google+ for a week.  Even in that week I have seen the site improving its UI.  It is nice to see they have a "suggestion box" on the lower right as people use and explore the site.  You don't see that on Facebook.

The sparks are a nice was to get outside info into G+ streams.  I have used Huddle yet but hope it may be a good recruitment engagement tool.  I would like to see the +1, buzz and news stream be my choice and easier to choose.

In general, G+ works much better in chrome and on my CR-48 than Facebook.

Really looking forward to seeing how it develops and future add ons. I really think that G+ will be the social app laying on top of the web rather than FB which tries to capture the web within itself.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Chrome apps

I have been experimenting with some chrome web apps:

  • Aviary Image Editor- love it
  • Ajax Editor- just introduced to it, put I picked it up pretty quick.
  • Beatlab- I like it a little better than the aviary music maker, but they are very similar.  I am not very musical, so I am just trying to make some sound 

Wish these was a true cloud video editor and that webex seminars could be seen through chrome.

Volume issues on the chrome cr-48 laptop have disappeared and chrome came out with a recent update and I don't remember the last time i reported a bug issue.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ChromeCR-48 update

The volume control still seems to lock on at high sometimes, though not consistently.

My brother was saddened to hear no more CR-48 ares being shipped. The flip side is it means that the market version isn't too far away.

I still haven't experimented with music files, but I think amazon has recently entered the market with a clear advantage over other cloud based laptops and tablets. Time will tell.

I still love the chrome cr-48 and look forward to the evolution of its ancestors.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Aviary on Chrome

Finally got a round to checking out Aviary on Chrome cr-48 Laptop.  Aviary is similar to Adobe Photoshop but is an entire cloud app, ideal for the cr-48. I haven't used photoshop so I can't do a direct comparison, but I have used MS publisher and a few other visual editing programs.

Overall I liked Aviary, they have a number of tutorial videos.  With some experimentation I got the hang of the tool locations and properties.  My first creation was a basic graphic for work that I posted on Facebook.   It is the photo for this event

You can export the file as a .jpg .png .gif .tiff .pds. I exported as a jpg and the quality remained.  I do want to test sending the .pds file to a friend with Photoshop to make sure  the layers remain for external editing. If that works I will be golden. I like the history of changes option so I can undo a few items at once.

I look forward to using Aviary more in the future.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Google Chrome 10

A nice feature of Google Chrome 10 is being able to rearrange the apps on the new tab page.  I also found the ability to sync apps under settings.  For some reason I never saw that before.  I had different apps at work, laptop and home desktop, clicked sync apps, and they aggregated together.  Did a slight rearrange and they are nice and orderly.  yeah, or w00t as some of my friends say.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chrome OS 10

I got the Chrome OS 10 upgrade today.  I love the quick and easy updates unlike Firefox and Explorer.  A nice feature of the new version of Chrome is the ability to move the apps on the new tab page.  I have already rearranged and organized my apps.

It is a little funny reading comments on the chrome apps. all of the chrome apps are web based by design, and people don't like the fact that they appear like apps but are actually bookmarks to another webpage.  Even people that have "grown up" during the age of app still have the mind set that the software has to be downloaded to your device, computer, phone, tablet.  That is just nonsense and is not the long term future, which will be in the cloud.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chrome Cr-48 Volume Controls

For some reason the volume control and mute buttons on the key board is not adjusting the volume.  I have reported the bug and will let you know if the volume control returns.  Sound card is working, just can't adjust the current volume which is rather loud.

On a positive note- love the battery life and the fact the I can see how long is needed for full charged, in addition to seeing the amount of charge remaining.

Update 3/5 7pm. Volume control has returned. Yeah!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Travel with the Chrome CR-48

Earlier this week was my first recruiting trip with the Chrome CR-48.  Quick set up with the hotel wifi and I was set.  Still loving the chrome laptop.

The Spring Hill Suites in Fairfax VA is a very nice hotel that was recently built.  Great service and beautiful lobby and room.  Most important- good water pressure.

Also the Chicken parm at the Fairfax Macaroni Grill was suberb.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

watching WVU on ESPN3 and Google Chrome OS Cr48

I watched the WVU vs Rutgers men's basketball game on my Google Chrome cr-48 laptop.  Initially the flash player crashed and wouldn't load (reported bug since the plash player crashed a few times in the past 48 hours).

Once a new tab was opened the flash player worked and I was able to watch the game without incident.  I opened the game on my desktop to compare the two.  Performance was the same, laptop was less than a second behind because of wifi.  Interesting that they show different commercials to different people online.

Overall pleased with performance.

PS WVU won at Rutgers 65-54 on their senior day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Webinar issues on chrome OS cr-48

This evening I was planning on participating in the Google Seminar online "Building a class site with Google Sites" which was being offered through 

Unfortunately that didn't work well in Chrome.  

There are three plug-ins that were needed and only one is a web based format. 

  • FlashPlayer 6.0 or later- check
  • Windows Media Player 9.0 or later- nope
  • QuickTime 6.0 or later- nope

When starting the webinar it was missing a plugin even though flash player was tested and working.

I had to switch over to my HP desktop without any issues, in Chrome.

Part of this is just having developers start moving their apps and programs online rather than as desktop programs.  My guess is somebody else will develop a webinar app without the need for desktop software.

Testing onward!  (good webinar on building a googlesite for a classroom application.

Monday, February 21, 2011

WVU Spotlight on Natural Resources Careers 2/23/2011

Spotlight on Natural Resources Careers
February 23, 2011
Percival Hall Lobby
10 AM to 2 PM

Opportunity to find employment, internship and
network with professionals in your field. 

Dress professionally and bring copies of your resume.
To have your resume reviewed, e-mail it to

Employers as of 2/21/2011
  • A All Animal Control
  • ACRT, Inc.
  • Bartlett Tree Experts
  • Davey Tree Expert Company
  • PA Department of Conservation & Natural Resources
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers- Pittsburgh District 
  • USDA-National Resource Conservation Service
  • White Water Adventures
  • WV Division of Natural Resources

Visit MountaineerTRAK to learn more about each     

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Some walls today on Chrome OS

Today I encountered two issues on Chrome OS on the CR-48.

First video- Currently Netflix isn't supported but they noted they are working on it.  Comcast Xfinity video player is only set for Windows and Macs right now, not sure if that is a COmcast issue or a Chrome issue.  Other services like YouTube and Hulu work just fine.  I watched the latest episode of Fringe without any issues.

Second- Google Docs drag and drop- There was a website that I wanted to download an excel file from and it downloaded no problem.  I wanted to upload it to Google docs, but the drag and drop feature didn't work in Google docs from the Download window in Chrome. I was able to upload using the browse button in Google Docs. Seems like that UI needs smoothed out to make cloud computing more intuitive.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mouse and Bag

Adding a $13 logitech mini usb mouse has really enhanced my user experience on the chrome laptop.  I also got a laptop bag for it as well, so $50 for a new laptop isn't bad.  I went with the more professional and generic black protective bag than the WVU sleeve.  It will be more practical as I travel for my job.

Quick note on the mouse. I like the fact that it is smaller, only uses 1 AA battery and allows for the usb plug to be stored in the mouse when traveling.  The on off switch on the bottom of the mouse is a nice touch.  The last mouse I bought for our desk top doesn't have the on off switch and burns through batteries a little faster. I might upgrade the desktop mouse just for that feature.

Only clitch I have encountered in the last few days has been pasting links into facebook for status updates.  Ctrl C & V keyboard shortcuts work better than cut and paste through the mouse for some reason. Not sure if that is a mouse, CR-48 or a Facebook issue.

Still miss the delete key and the End key.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Google Chrome Cr-48

A few days ago, my Google Chrome Cr-48 arrived at dinner time like a great side dish for life.  Since I didn't know what it was I let me wife open it.  When it was revealed to be the chrome laptop, I told her it was free.  Her reaction, "No way you got a free laptop!" Our amazement lasted a few hours.  I was happy it was charged up so I could experiment right away.

  • Cloud print- check at home (next day at work- check)
  • Posting to facebook- yep
  • Chrome sync- check (apps and book marks)
  • Able to log in to WVU Novell Groupwise online- check
  • Post to Twitter- check
  • Friends jealous- check

I took it to work the next day and it loaded right up and easy sign on to the wifi network at West Virginia University "MountainAir"

First few day feedback:

  • Never knew I would miss the "delete" key, it is backspace in reverse.
  • Mousepad is without buttons- takes some getting used to and highlighting and copying is difficult, haven't mastered it yet. (I bought a mouse today. Not a a knock on the laptop, I just don't like track pads on laptops in general.)
  • Quick start up every time.
  • Auto sleep can be annoying if you leave the laptop for a few minutes but have Pandora or groove shark playing music.

Moving more items online and learning the Aviary suite over the coming weeks. I need to learn how to do graphic and video editing online.

Fingers are crossed that Santa Google will grat my request for 15-20 CR-48 to use with students and faculty at work.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rob's 2010 a year in review (just the main points)

Well it has been awhile since I blogged. After the past year I think I am going to go in a slightly different direction for the blog for 2011. Now for my abbreviated 2010 year in review:

  • Kids: doing well and now in a better school district and in an area where they can participate with more activities. 
  • Wife: at a better institution of higher education and on a path for degree completion. She sacrificed and took a crappy job to pay some bills during the family transition. 
  • Mom: had open heart surgery on a odd and rare benign tumor on her heart. Doing much better and is heading back to work soon.
  • Brother: upgraded to a new job at a better institution and has the freedom to make the moves he thinks need to be made in the career development field.
  • My one uncle is back in the house that my brother and I helped him gut one summer as kids. Now he has a blank slate to start a new adventure. 
  • Job: I left my position of the previous five year.  I am proud of the progress the program made during my leadership, but it was time to move on.  I changed gears to a slightly different field. I am much happier and work with great faculty and students. Upgrade in schedule and pay is nice as well.
  • Education: finished my Master's degree in Educational Leadership at West Virginia University.
  • Home: Out of college housing, as related to my position in residence life.  While we spent some time in temporary location for 6 months, we are now in a spacious 3BR house with a yard and great landlords. We are near parks and the kids schools. Huge upgrade, except for having to move twice, once in the July heat and finally in the cold snowy December. Bonus: we can get food from restaurants delivered to our house. For the past 5 years we could only get Domino's. 
  • Pets: While I love animals, we had too many. Gina found good homes for two dogs who are really enjoying their new families.  The foster care for a cat ended in July and she is doing well with her owner. We were watching her while her owner finished college and couldn't have a pet in her room. Gizmo the tailless cat and Fez the corn snake are enjoying the new home and getting more attention from the kids.
  • Car: My 2000 Nissan Sentra died, it was the first car I ever owned.  I miss it but we are more cost effective and earth friendly with on car.
Special Thanks to my mother-in-law and her husband who hosted us during the transition period from July to December.

Resolution: To do more creative projects in 2011 and maybe even start drawing or painting again.