Saturday, April 30, 2011

Chrome apps

I have been experimenting with some chrome web apps:

  • Aviary Image Editor- love it
  • Ajax Editor- just introduced to it, put I picked it up pretty quick.
  • Beatlab- I like it a little better than the aviary music maker, but they are very similar.  I am not very musical, so I am just trying to make some sound 

Wish these was a true cloud video editor and that webex seminars could be seen through chrome.

Volume issues on the chrome cr-48 laptop have disappeared and chrome came out with a recent update and I don't remember the last time i reported a bug issue.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ChromeCR-48 update

The volume control still seems to lock on at high sometimes, though not consistently.

My brother was saddened to hear no more CR-48 ares being shipped. The flip side is it means that the market version isn't too far away.

I still haven't experimented with music files, but I think amazon has recently entered the market with a clear advantage over other cloud based laptops and tablets. Time will tell.

I still love the chrome cr-48 and look forward to the evolution of its ancestors.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Aviary on Chrome

Finally got a round to checking out Aviary on Chrome cr-48 Laptop.  Aviary is similar to Adobe Photoshop but is an entire cloud app, ideal for the cr-48. I haven't used photoshop so I can't do a direct comparison, but I have used MS publisher and a few other visual editing programs.

Overall I liked Aviary, they have a number of tutorial videos.  With some experimentation I got the hang of the tool locations and properties.  My first creation was a basic graphic for work that I posted on Facebook.   It is the photo for this event

You can export the file as a .jpg .png .gif .tiff .pds. I exported as a jpg and the quality remained.  I do want to test sending the .pds file to a friend with Photoshop to make sure  the layers remain for external editing. If that works I will be golden. I like the history of changes option so I can undo a few items at once.

I look forward to using Aviary more in the future.